Ministry Engagements and Nashville Bound
God continues to give us opportunities to serve Him in ministry and mission mobilizing. The Canote kids, performing as "Sweet Action" have been able to share their contemporary worship ministry along with our gospel bluegrass music ministry. I have also had multiple opportunities to preach over the last few weeks. God is stretching me in this area. I feel God growing a love in my heart for His church and giving me a strong desire to challenge others with the truth of His word. Maybe this is a sign for the future. Only God knows.
One of my recent messages was recorded by the church and placed on their website: http://www.harrisburgchristian.org/Pastor/SermonTopics.html You can click on the link and hear my challenge to "stop playing duck, duck, goose with God". :)
Susan and I will be heading down to Nashville, TN this week to represent YUGO Ministries at another youth pastor's conference. There will be around 4,000 in attendance. We're excited about making new ministry contacts and about the opportunity to share about our work in Mexico.
Would you please pray that God will #1) bless our efforts in Nashville and the relationships we hope to develop while we're there and #2) help us to stay focused on Him and His plan and purposes for the Canote family.
Thank you for your prayers ~ God Bless You!
The Canote Family