The "Canote Notes" is the blog for updates from the Canote Family Ministry. Based in Clark, Missouri, the Canotes have a preaching/evangelism ministry, gospel bluegrass AND contemporary worship music ministry and serve as missionaries directing a mobile Team Ministry Christian Outreach in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico and mid-Missouri through their own non-profit ministry, Evident Ministries, Inc.
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Monday, December 28, 2009
Canote E-Notes 12/28/09
Good afternoon and God Bless You!
Adam, Chewy, Alex and I are hard at it this week serving on the mission field of Mexicali, Mexico. We're serving on a YUGO evangelistic outreach based at our bible institute in Tamaulipas. We have made this annual trek to Mexicali for a few years now. We are joined every year by an amazing team from Cornerstone UMC in Caledonia, Michigan. We also have several other volunteer and YUGO missionary staff serving here with us. The weather here is considerably better than what we left at home. It's been around 60 degrees F during the day and dropping down to around 40 at night. That's just about as cold as we can handle without using a heater.
Everyone is so encouraging and very excited about being here. We've been faced with and dealing with all the usual obstacles we've grown accustomed to over the years. We all have a sense of the spiritual battles taking place around us. The Mexican people are hungry for something and very receptive to the gospel message. Though satan may not want us here, God has not changed. He was hard at work here before our arrival. He is with us and His spirit resides within us.
We're so thankful for and counting on your prayers getting us through...keep 'em coming our way please. We're not even bothering to ask God to give us perfect health and no obstacles this week. That's kinda silly. Please just pray for us that we will be in full surrender this week, trusting God and His plan. Also, please be in prayer for the Mexican people who our team will be ministering to this week. Some will hear and receive the Gospel for the first time. Others will be encouraged in their personal walk and ministry in their lives.
Adam and the boys are doing a great job with worship. They lead us this morning in a song I've never heard and never heard them even practice and they rocked it! God is good. Adam is concerned about his voice and allergies as it is VERY dry here and he is already getting a rasp to his voice. This morning, just before chapel he could hardly breathe. Just as he started to lead us, he immediately cleared up and stayed that way for the entire service. God is good!
I wrestled a bit with God about delivering the message He put in my heart for this morning's chapel service. I didn't want to offend or to be too direct but, God had His way. The challenge was about God's call for surrender in our lives. I reminded the team and staff that God is not "impressed with us" for taking time to serve in Mexico. He wants our surrender in all things, here and at home. He loves us and wants us but doesn't "need" us. Afterwards, several from the team and their leaders came to personally thank me for the message and how it would impact their team and their ministry today at their site.
What a blessing and a great honor! As I type this message, I realize the irony in the blessing for me from surrendering to deliver His message and challenge about the blessings of surrender...
God is still good, faithful, and has THE plan.
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Saturday, December 19, 2009
"Alright Okay You Win" - CMU Jazz Band
More from Adam's college jazz band - the CMU Jazz Band from their annual December concert.
"As Time Goes By" - CMU Jazz Band
Check out the CMU Jazz Band including our son, Adam rockin it at their annual December concert.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Canote E-Notes 12/15/09
It has been a while since I've sent out an email update. I hope you can forgive me for the communication hiatus! If you're not on the snail-mail mailing list for our monthly prayer letter and would like to be, just shoot me back an email and we'll get you on the list.
Family Updates
God is still hard at work in our lives and in His ministry through us. We're as busy as ever but, "busy" is a way of life when you have 8 kids...and 1 more on the way. Of course, we're all very excited about the new little bundle of joy coming our way. We're expecting her in mid-February. However, Susan is convinced she might try to show up before the end of January! We'll see about that! :) Here are some updates on each of the kiddos:
- Samantha & Nathan, the happy (newly) married couple have settled into the routine of married life quite nicely. "Toby", their miniature Chihuahua (and our grand-puppy) is a never-ending source of entertainment. Every time we visit, they have taught him a new trick including "speaking", rolling over, sitting, shaking hands, playing dead...all the usual dog-tricks! LOL! They are wrapping up finals this week and looking forward to the holiday break from school at CMU in Fayette, MO.
- Adam, also at CMU, is looking forward to his holiday break as well. He has maintained a very full schedule this semester between school, work, and his internship at Faith Family Church. He spends most of what little free time he has with his girlfriend of several months, Tiffany. We all very much enjoyed hearing him play along with the CMU Jazz Band and the CMU Concert Band at each of their respective December concerts. Adam and I, along with Chewy and Alex will be flying to San Diego on Christmas Day to minister in Mexicali, Mexico with YUGO for a week. Adam will be leading worship for the daily chapel services and evening "prayer and share" meetings. He will also be leading the daily prayer and prep meetings for the sports and evening ministry teams.
- Chewy is half-way through his senior year in high school. He has yet to make any final decisions for college other than, of course, he is going. He's just not sure where or what his major might be. He has a lot of interests and has had some trouble narrowing down the list. :) He is looking forward to his senior trip to Florida over Spring Break. In addition to being a member of the worship team, Chewy will be taking on a new challenge on our trip to Mexicali. He will be our resident "paparazzi" for the week and will produce a video for the ministry team to take home commemorating their week in Mexico. He is excited and up for the challenge.
- Alex is a freshman in high school this year and is playing on the junior varsity basketball team. Basketball in Harrisburg requires a considerable commitment of time and energy...and shuttling back and forth between practices, games, etc. We're all enjoying going to the games and will also appreciate the break when it's over. :) Alex will be serving on the worship team on our Mexico trip and helping in the kitchen and wherever else he is needed.
- JP, as a 7th grader has finally "escaped" elementary, as he puts it! :) JP also played basketball this year. His team just wrapped up their season. They only had 7 on the team. They didn't win many games but he played nearly all of every game. We decided the benefits of all that play time out-weighed the losses, preparing him for his high school career. :) JP is bummed that he didn't get to go to Mexico this time. During the Christmas holidays is the most expensive time of the year to fly. He will be the man of the house while the rest of us are gone.
- Allison - 1st grade, Natalie - Kindergarten and Charlotte - 2 years old, keep us all young and awake! LOL! With another baby girl on the way, we are starting a second family. A house with a bunch of little girls running around is different in many ways than the house full of little boys we once had! It's always fun to host someone for a meal at the Canote house for the first time. It's interesting to see the look on their face as the circus begins!
Susan and the baby-on-the-way, are doing very well. Since we are classified as "old" by the healthcare professionals, she is on the weekly ultrasound and doctor visit schedule. The technology is improving to the point that you can practically see the look on her face in the scans! It's great fun to get to "take a peak" every week! And, we keep getting glowing reports. Praise the Lord!
We are a blessed and happy family for many reasons. God is good and God is faithful...all the time! He created us and knows us well and loves us in spite of who we are! We need Him so much and we're thankful that He will never leave us or forsake us!
It's our wish this Christmas season and the year-round that you know the Greatest Story ever told and have the Peace and Grace of Jesus Christ in your life. Regardless of what the world tries to turn "Christmas" into, Jesus IS the reason for the season and the hero of the story! If you're reading this, then YOU are on our prayer list! Please remember us in yours.
Merry Christmas again and God Bless You!
In Christ,
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Canote E-Notes 09/25/09
The good Lord has kept us very busy lately, blessing our socks off as usual, and a report is overdue! :) Here's a snapshot of just the last few days and this week:
- 9/19 - Gospel Bluegrass & Testimony - Anutt Community Church "Old Time Camp Meeting" - Rolla, MO
- 9/20 - Gospel Bluegrass & Testimony - Salem Full Gospel Church Morning Service - Salem, MO
- 9/21 - Gospel Bluegrass - Harrisburg Baptist Church Revival Service - Harrisburg, MO
- 9/23 - JP & Alex led worship for the "See Ya At the Pole" activity - Harrisburg School - Harrisburg, MO
- 9/23 - Adam led an unplanned/impromptu "See Ya At the Pole" gathering at CMU - Fayette, MO
- 9/23 - Chris spoke for the "Frontline" youth group meeting - Faith Family Church - Fayette, MO
- 9/23 - Adam, Chewy, & Alex - Jazz performance - Navigator's Ministry House at CMU "Jazz 502" - Fayette, MO
- 9/26 - Gospel Bluegrass & Testimony - God's Mountain Camp - Near Atchison, KS
- 9/27 - Gospel Bluegrass & Testimony - Clinton Presbyterian Church Morning Service - Clinton, KS
Coming up soon...we'll be doing some bluegrass and then Chris will preach at the Charity Baptist Church on Ballenger Lane in Columbia, MO on Saturday, Oct. 3 at 2PM. The following day, Chris will return on Sunday for the morning service to preach again.
Adam stays busy with his own ministry work in his internship at Faith Family and working with the Navigator Ministry on campus at CMU so we're learning how to do bluegrass without him when we have to.
We love it, love it, love it when we're busy doing ministry! Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers! We're counting on them big time and thank God for you every day. Thank you, Thank You, and THANK YOU!
God is still good and faithful, meeting all our needs as He has promised to do. And we promise to do our best to honor Him and to be good stewards of the gifts He has given, the ministry He has called us to, and your prayers, encouragement, and financial support.
Special Project
We need to replace some of our older sound equipment. We've been dragging most of it up and down the road now for several years and it has definitely seen better days! We also use this equipment in Mexico on the outreaches for chapel services. We've used a lot of duct tape, clothes pins, bandaids, etc. but we're probably starting to press our luck with that. We're starting to get concerned that we may show up to a performance and find that we don't have a working sound system...that would not be good! :) We have asked our good friends at Arnold Music (also Adam's employer) in Moberly & Centralia, to shoot us some prices for a list of what we need. Please join us in praying specifically that the necessary funds would be supplied to purchase what we need to keep serving God in this way. We'll send an update when we know what that amount is.
In Christ,
Chris Canote - Jesus Freak
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
H 573/874-1878
C 573/808-1195
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Canote E-Notes 08/03/09
I hope you know today that God not only loves you, He actually likes you...just the way you are. I know that because His Word says so. He made us the way we are and He loves us. He is not irritated with us one moment, disappointed another, and then mad at us other times. He is not "happy" with us and love us more if we "do" certain things or go through our checklist of "do's and don'ts".
"Feelings" like that from God could only be if He thought we were one thing but we turned out to be another and only if it were totally up to us to, through our own efforts to imitate Jesus and impress Him with our style. So forget about the "checklist"! Look for ways to get to be better friends with the One who is completely "in love" with you.
Be encouraged today my friend! The Creator of this whole Universe loves you, likes you, chooses YOU and He actually had done all that long before you were even born!
Any doubts....check it out for yourself: Jer. 29:11, Phil. 1:6, Heb. 13:5, & Joshua 23:14. Still need more? Head on over to Psalm 139...(the whole chapter)
Modern Technology
Through the wonders of modern technology, I was able to listen in over the phone this morning while Susan was at a doctor's appointment at home. She was having an ultrasound done so I was able to actually hear our baby's heartbeat! Woot! God is good!
Tijuana Update
Apparently, there was an earthquake about 175 miles south of us this morning. I didn't feel a thing. I have to admit, I would kinda like to actually feel an earthquake some time....there, I said it!
Otherwise, it's all good here at the TJOC (Tijuana Outreach Center). We just finished our morning chapel service. We have several Mexican teenagers here with this week volunteering as their own ministry team at their own ministry site. Therefore, my message this morning was translated for them.
I'm counting on your prayers and so thankful for them!
Have a GREAT week!
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Canote E-Notes 07/20/09
Well, we all made it home safe and sound from two weeks in Tijuana at YUGO's Tijuana Outreach Center (TJOC). With God on our side as Sender, Protector, and Provider, we expected nothing less! Even every single piece of luggage made it there and back unscathed! That might be a miracle! God showed up big, as usual, and there are many stories to share. We are so thankful for the prayers from home.
Family Announcement
The word is out so many of you already are aware....yes, it's true....there is another little Canote on the way (yes, that makes 9). He or she is scheduled to arrive on or around Feb. 17. Yes, it was much as one can plan the miracle and God's gift of life. And yes, we feel very blessed and are all very excited. We found out the day Samantha and Nathan left for the honeymoon. We ushered one out the door and are ready to welcome another one in!
Ministry Report
God had us right back in action as soon as we got home from Mexico. We hit the driveway at about 6PM on Saturday night. The next morning, Chris preached at Fayette FBC and Adam and the boys led worship at Harrisburg Christian Church. Below are some upcoming ministry engagements:
Sat, July 25 - Missions Presentation, Adam & Boys leading worship, Chris preaching
Hammonds Mill summer youth camp - West Plains, MO
Sun, July 26 - Chris preaching
Sturgeon Baptist Church
Tue, July 28 - Music performance
Pepper & Friends TV Show
Sat, Aug. 1 - Music performance
Art Show - Fayette, MO
Sat, Aug. 1 to Sun, Aug. 9 - Mission Trip
Chris only - Preaching & Directing the Outreach
Back to Tijuana, Mexico at YUGO's TJOC
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Canote E-Notes 07/08/09

Update from Tijuana, Mexico
Buenas Tardes from Tijuana, Mexico. God is still good and faithful and we're thankful to be on His team! We are also so thankful for your faithful prayers. Our ministry work has been an extra blessing knowing our intercessory team is at home working on our behalf. Thank You!
Our Canadian ministry team is a "well-oiled ministry machine" having come well-prepared and equipped to give God their best this week. They spent about 40 hours riding in a bus just to get here. We are so grateful for their sacrifice!
Our boys have gone out with the team this afternoon along with the summer intern staff to visit their ministry site. They will likely get to join in some of the sports ministry activities. Adam and crew have done an excellent job of leading us all in worship in our daily chapel services.
The girls are starting to adjust to their temporary home. Charlotte and Natalie have been somewhat "cranky" but are starting to move past that. They have made fast friends with a couple of other "missionary kids" here at the ranch and have spent most of today playing outside with them.
Susan has had a "bug" of some sort and has not felt well for about 24 hours. She's a bit of a rebel when it comes to drinking plenty of I hope it's not a dehydration problem. She could use some extra prayers. I'll send an update if we don't see some improvement right away.
It's pretty chilly here in the mornings and evenings. We start and end each day in jackets and pants. We do a quick wardrobe change for the afternoon sunshine.
I'll try to send a shorter update next time....
God bless you and have a GREAT day!
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Canote E-Notes 07/02/09
On Tue, I forwarded an email from one of our YUGO missionaries regarding a need for school supplies. Just FYI, literally within minutes of passing along that need, we had a commitment to send 270 boxes of colored pencils and another to send 270 spiral notebooks! Woo hoo! God is good! There is still a great need there if you feel God pulling on your heart strings.
Ministry Update
Adam just returned from spending a week as the worship leader for youth from Faith Family Church. They were attending the Rock Quest youth camp at at the Logan Valley Christian Retreat Center near Elling
Travel Update
It's been a crazy week at the Canote house getting ready for this trip. We'll be leaving tomorrow mid-day for Kansas City. Our flight leaves Saturday morning for San Diego. We'll be stopping for a few supplies which are easier to buy there than carry with us on the plane such as diapers, etc. Then we'll be heading straight into Tijuana.
We'll be spending the following two weeks working at YUGO's Tijuana Outreach Center. I will be preaching Monday through Friday of both weeks. Adam will be leading worship with the boys the first week at the base...and in English. The second week, he will be leading worship in Spanish at a local neighborhood church. We'll be ministering along with the summer interns and other YUGO staff. We'll have enough workers to conduct a children's VBS, sport's ministry and women's ministry. We're very excited about that. Adam says he might need to brush up on his Spanish!
Please keep us in your prayers as we'll be relying on them for strength, good health, effective ministry efforts, etc.
God Bless YOU!
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monthly Prayer Letter

"To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heavens." ~ Eccl. 3:1
July, 2009
¡Hola! (Hello!)
¡Dios le bendiga! (God bless you!) We’re writing to you this month from
Yes, our entire family got on a plane (all at once!) and flew across country to
Wow! We could have filmed that for a reality TV show! (just kidding…we’ll pass on that). And…we still get to fly back home! Woo hoo!
Cambios de Viajes (Travel Changes)
Our travel plans, regarding
The fall out from the “sensational” mainstream news media reporting about
We’ve had many years of 3,000 or more coming to minister with us in
Our family has shifted our focus to the Tijuana Outreach Center (TJOC) this summer. We are here for two weeks on this trip. Chris is speaking each day for the daily chapel services. Adam and the boys led worship for the first week. We are pitching in where we can to help run the camp. Chris will return in August for another week of preaching and helping to direct the outreach.
Dios No Se Ha Cambiado (God Hasn’t Changed)
God is still faithful. He is still in charge. He still meets all our needs, never sleeps, loves us in spite of ourselves, and wants to work in and through us. Amen! We are thankful that God has not changed. And we have put our faith and focus in Him.
God has kept our ministry calendar full this year. The summer months are no different. We have had many opportunities to share our family music and preaching ministry. We’ve seen the usual wide range of venues as well.We’ve been on flatbed tractor trailers, street fairs, churches, etc. And here we are, once again, on the field in
¡Gracias! (Thank you!)
Thank you to our awesome ministry support team! Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and financial support. For those who support our ministry faithfully every month financially, we are so very thankful for you! Please never think we take you for granted. We can’t do this without you. We need you and we thank God for you. It’s wonderful to see the Lord bless those who have faithfully and sacrificially given and we look forward to many more years of seeing the Lord do great and wonderful things in
God Bless You!
The Canote Family
Chris, Susan, Samantha, Adam, Zachary (Chewy), Alex, J.P., Allison, Natalie, & Charlotte
Monday, June 29, 2009
Canote E-Notes 06/29/09
God is good...all the time!
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
573/808-1195 Cell
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Canote E-Notes 06/27/09

We're definitely getting "ramped up" for our 2-week trip to Tijuana - leaving one week from today on July 4. There is much to do over the next few days as we prepare for loading nine of us on an airplane.
I'm very excited to see what God has in mind to do THROUGH and IN us in Mexico this summer!
Prayer Requests:
- That hearts and lives would be transformed as a result of our ministry work in Mexico
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/808-1195 Cell
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Canote E-Notes 06/24/09

You may have heard the old saying, "if you want to make God laugh...go ahead and try to 'make plans'!". This might apply for us this summer! :) God had a plan, it just took us a bit to figure it out. We're excited about what God will be doing 'In, Through, and For' us this summer. It will be good to not only be ministering in Mexico but also to have the opportunity to spend some time working along side some of our fellow workers at YUGO.
The final plan **at this point** is that our entire family will be boarding a plane on Saturday, July 4, bound for San Diego, CA. We'll all be spending 2 weeks in Tijuana at YUGO's Tijuana Outreach Center, returning on Saturday, July 18. I will be returning by myself for a week in August.
I'll be preaching each weekday the entire 3 weeks for the daily chapel services for the visiting ministry teams. Adam and the boys will also do some worship leading the first week they are there.
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Canote E- Notes 06/16/09
We led worship for the morning service with some good old sing-alongs bluegrass style. I was also honored with the opportunity to speak for the morning service. God gave me a message about YUGO's work in Mexico with a challenge to be ambassadors for Christ.
The fellowship with our friends there was so warm and welcoming. As is often the case, we went to minister to them but we were the ones who left there blessed and reminded of God's goodness.
We were so very encouraged when right off the bat, Pastor Nissing opened the morning service with their regular prayer of encouragement for missionaries around the world. It was good to be with "fellow workers" in the Kingdom.
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
573/808-1195 Cell
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Canote E-Notes 06/11/09
Our very busy summer is already well under way. We now have the wedding behind us and it's time to move on to other things. There are multiple ministry engagements and mission work at hand.
We'll be doing some music and preaching as usual. God is keeping our calendar full. And, that's a wonderful blessing. Our Mexico travel plans have changed several times over the last few months but have finally settled in to a final plan. See our June & July Calendar below.
Our 2 weeks in Tijuana for the whole family should definitely be interesting. Adam and the boys will be leading worship daily for the chapel services the 1st week. I will be preaching each day all week for both weeks. I'm also working on another possible 2-week trip, for me only, back to Tijuana in August. That would be another 2 weeks of preaching each day.
Special Request
We have never all flown together anywhere. This will be a new experience for us. We're excited and anxious.
We need to update our supply of luggage and will also have to pay the new "checked baggage fee" for the flight out and the flight back. The luggage fees will be around $200 and we're probably going to need to spend at least that to add to our bags. That's an extra $400 to $500 we weren't counting on. Please pray with us that the necessary funds will be provided to make it happen.
Canote Calendar - June & July
- Sun, June 14, 11AM/2PM - Keytesville FBC - Worship, Preaching, & Concert
- Sat, June 20, 2PM - Sturgeon Street Fair - Adam & the kids (Sw'Action) - Contemporary Worship Concert
- Sat, June 20, 3PM - Sturgeon Street Fair - Gospel Bluegrass Concert
- Sun, June 21, 10:30AM & 6:30PM - Sturgeon Baptist Church - Chris Preaching
- Sun, June 28, 10:30AM & 6:30PM - Sturgeon Baptist Church - Chris Preaching
- Sat, July 4 - Sat, July 18 - We will all be in Tijuana, Mexico at the YUGO Tijuana Outreach Center
- Sun, July 26, 10:30AM & 6:30PM - Sturgeon Baptist Church - Chris Preaching
- Tue, July 28, 11AM - Performance on the Pepper & Friends TV Show
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Canote E-Notes 05/02/09

Move Along - All-American Rejects
Somewhere In the Middle - by Casting Crowns
We could sure use your prayers regarding this summer's ministry in Mexico.
First, the media hype about violence in Mexico made it look like everyone in the whole country is locked in their houses and scared to death. NOT TRUE! People in Mexico actually think we're the violent ones in the U.S.
And now, this bacon flu. We've had teams canceling on us already. There hasn't even been a single case reported in any of the cities where we work...?
Anyway, lucky for all of us, God is bigger than all this and still in charge. But, we need direction on how to best manage this situation. And, frankly, as a ministry, how to survive this summer outreach season.
People still need Jesus as much as they ever did. The Great Commission doesn't mention safety or flying pigs. You can confirm this by reading Mat. 28:19-20. :) We've been called to serve in a ministry and we're going to be doing that.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Dios le bendiga! (God Bless You!)
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
573/808-1195 Cell
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Canote E-Notes 04/28/09
Thank you for your continued friendship, prayers, and support.
God Bless You!
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Just a short note to give you some perspective on the swine flu- straight from the belly of the beast.
We are not terribly worried.
The vast majority of cases are happening in Mexico City and surrounding area. There are about 28milliion people living in that area. That is the equivalent of all the population of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and all the Maritimes. And these folks all live in one metropolitan area.
Within this conglomerate, there are 1300 cases of swine flu-- about .004% of the population of this petrie dish of a city. Of those, sadly, about 100 of those have died as a result.
One more thing to keep in mind is the health system in Mexico. Often there is a cost involved to go to a Doctor. When people do not have enough money for food (especially in these tough economic times) hospital visits for a flu don't happen until it is absolutely necessary. So while we have found out that Tamiflu and Relezen (antiviral meds) work to combat this-- they will not work when it is too late.
Also remember the culture of Mexico-- while this is killing primarily young men, these are the ones who would be least likely to go to a hospital under any circumstances.
So while yes, this is a virulent strain of the flu that more easily leads to pneumonia than our "regular flu", so far it is not out of control (despite media reports) and it is not killing healthy people in developed countries.
We do not feel a tremendous amount of fear, but we will be diligent over the next few weeks until we see how this pans out.
Please pray for our health and safety as we continue to go about our ministry here in Mexico, but please be in extra prayer for the poor in Mexico- those who have limited access to health care. That God would protect His people!!
The worst part from our point of view are the thousands of desperately poor Mexicans in our border region who live in filthy squalor who will not be getting a house built this year, or who will not be getting a new roof on the old dirt floor shack, or who will not be receiving the needed food our groups bring because people are fearful.
Groups are canceling trips to Mexico because of the violence-- (which is down 80% from last year!!) and it is the poor who will suffer most. Please pray that those who cancel will offer to donate the amount that they would have spent on a mission trip to go towards the incredible needs we are finding here!
While the Economic downturn is difficult in North America, here it is devastating! We are seeing more and more children suffering from malnutrition and starvation.
We also receive thousands of individuals who come to help the Mexican church reach their people in Evangelism ministries. Please pray that the Good News of Jesus love and salvation will continue to be spread in this time of Great harvest here in Northern Mexico!
Please pray that God will be glorified and His name will be lifted up in Mexico!
Thanks for praying!
Michael McDonald
Missionary to Mexico
YUGO Canada
1-(619)400-3326 (North America)
661-100-3396 (Mexico)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Canote E-Notes 04/10/09
How are you celebrating the greatest story ever told this holiday weekend? I hope you will have an opportunity to spend some of it with family and friends. Know that you are in our thoughts this Easter.
We have several upcoming ministry engagements on our calendar (see below). We love serving God in this way and are always looking for opportunities to share our family ministry. If you know of churches or groups that would enjoy some family gospel bluegrass music, a contemporary worship band, or mission centered gospel preaching, please pass this along to them with a recommendation.
We appreciate your prayers and support so much.
God Bless YOU and Happy Easter!
Sat, April 11, 7:30PM - Gospel Bluegrass Concert - Presser Performing Arts Center - Mexico, MO
Sun, April 19, 10:30AM - Chris is preaching - Perche Baptist Church - Rural Harrisburg/Clark, MO
Sun, April 26, 6:30PM - Gospel Bluegrass Music & Chris is preaching - Centralia FBC - Centralia, MO
Sat, May 2, 6PM - Gospel Bluegrass Music & Testimony - Pleasant Woods Baptist Church - Salisbury, MO
Sun, May 3, 10:30AM - Chris is preaching - Perche Baptist Church - Rural Harrisburg/Clark, MO
Sun, May 3, 6:30PM - Gospel Bluegrass Music & Testimony - Carpenter Street Baptist Church - Moberly, MO
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Canote E-Notes 03/31/09
The truth is, there is violence all around us all the time. It's also a fact that the Great Commission doesn't actually mention anything about "safety" or "security". We're trusting in the Lord and we're not the least bit concerned for our safety in Mexico.
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Canote E-Notes 03/01/09
During my "quiet time" this morning...I had been reading about Joseph and his choices with Potiphar's wife. This led me to pray for the young men I know that face similar circumstances everyday. Somehow I ended up watching the YouTube video of you singing Chris Tomlin's "I Will Rise" and the Lord used that simple song, your willing heart and His intimate Spirit to touch and renew me. You, nor I expected that, but...that's how He normally works.
Thank you."
What an encouragement and blessing! If you haven't had a chance to watch Adam's video yet, here's the link again:
Adam - "I Will Rise" Chris Tomlin
He (with God's help) surprised us all when he told us he was ready perform this song on the piano. To our knowledge, Adam didn't know how to play the piano!?! Isn't God cool?
Here are a some more videos I just added:
Hallelujua I'm Ready - Performance at Faith Family Church - 02/25/09
Daniel Prayed - Performance at Faith Family Church - 02/25/09
Montaña - Performance at Faith Family Church - 02/25/09
Bluegrass Medley - Performance at Faith Family Church - 02/25/09
God bless you and have a GREAT and BLESSED week!
Chris Canote
Missions Mobilizer & Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Canote E-Notes 02/25/09
Thanks so much for your support and prayers! We're relying on it!
Chris Canote
Missions Mobilizer & Recruiter
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Canote E-Notes 01/12/09
Also as we draw nearer to our next set of evangelistic outreaches we need workers to help run the camp. Jobs include cooking, cleaning, leading worship, leading chapel times, and much more. The dates are April 5-11 and 12-18. Ask God what He might have you come and do. Please let us know about both as soon as possible.
Missions Mobilizer & Recruiter
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Canote E-Notes 01/02/09
Missions Mobilizer
YUGO Ministries