Home Sweet Home

We prayed all week with our ministry teams that we would finish well with a mucho grande Kingdom harvest. God heard our prayers, showed up big, and accomplished much in and through us.
As usual, Satan didn’t want us representing the King in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico this last week and did toss a few fiery darts our way. However, we had the King of Kings on our side...we were packin' heat! The Gospel message of Jesus Christ shined and powered through and 152 new believers came to a saving knowledge of Jesus! PTL and hallelujah!
To our ministry support team: thank you, Thank You, and THANK YOU! May God bless your socks off for your significant role in this Kingdom ministry! God bless you for your prayers, your support, your friendship, and for holding the rope! We can't do what we do without you. We need you and thank God for you.

Dec. 29, 2013 - Jan. 4, 2014
July 13, 2014 - July 19, 2014
We are super blessed and excited to already have teams lined up for both weeks. HOWEVER, we certainly have plenty of room for more! Please let us know if you are considering joining us on the field in the cross-cultural ministry effort. We would love to tell you all about it. There are options for how you might participate. Shoot us some questions so we can help you make an informed decision.