What a blessing and honor to enjoy some food and fellowship and an opportunity to minister to a large group last night at the Lenoir Community Center in Columbia, MO. We shared testimony and an update of our most recent trips to Mexico along with some gospel bluegrass music. A few expressed some interest in becoming a part of our ministry team at home. Praise the Lord!
We were short one and really missed our mandolin player! Chewy stayed at home recovering from corrective sinus surgery. Please pray for him as he recovers over the next few days. He's not feeling to great right now but it's mostly just waiting on the anesthesia from surgery to wear off. The plan is for him to be able to breathe through his nose once he's all healed up.
God has blessed us recently with several new bookings to minister spread out over the next couple of months which, is a a direct answer to prayer. Please join us in praying that God would fill our calendar with opportunities to serve Him and that we He would help us to manage the busy schedule that it brings. We are also praying specifically that God would double the number of teams that join us on the front lines in Mexico in 2009.
May God richly bless you this day!
In His service,
The Canote Family
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