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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Canote E-Notes 03/31/09

Here's something you could pray about...

The link below is to an article that addresses an issue we are dealing with as a Christian ministry working in Mexico. As I'm sure you well know, the media has had a lot to say lately about the "violence in Mexico". Unfortunately, the American public is not really getting the whole story and it's really hurting Christian ministries working in Mexico. The reality is not quite as "sensational" as what we've been getting reported.

I myself listened to a news report just yesterday on Fox News that, had I not listened to the entire report, I might have missed some pretty important information.

I.E. The city of Juarez, Mexico has been touted in the news as having had a "blood bath" over the last couple of years. And we're hearing that law enforcement officials in U.S. border towns are "worried" the violence will spill over into the United States. However, El Paso, TX, located just north of the border from Juarez, Mexico is still rated as the "3rd safest city of it's size" in America!

The truth is, there is violence all around us all the time. It's also a fact that the Great Commission doesn't actually mention anything about "safety" or "security". We're trusting in the Lord and we're not the least bit concerned for our safety in Mexico.

Please take the time to click the link below and read the entire article. This will help you pray specifically, not only for our ministry efforts, but also for all the Christian ministries working in Mexico.

Thank you for your prayers and God Bless You!

Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Canote E-Notes 03/01/09

It was a great week of ministry here in central Missouri for the Canote family. It was a busy but refreshing week for us. It can also be very encouraging when we receive some feedback about our ministry work. That was certainly the case when we saw the note of encouragement (see below) Adam received last week in an email from a local pastor friend:

During my "quiet time" this morning...I had been reading about Joseph and his choices with Potiphar's wife. This led me to pray for the young men I know that face similar circumstances everyday. Somehow I ended up watching the YouTube video of you singing Chris Tomlin's "I Will Rise" and the Lord used that simple song, your willing heart and His intimate Spirit to touch and renew me. You, nor I expected that, but...that's how He normally works.
Thank you."

What an encouragement and blessing! If you haven't had a chance to watch Adam's video yet, here's the link again:
Adam - "I Will Rise" Chris Tomlin

He (with God's help) surprised us all when he told us he was ready perform this song on the piano. To our knowledge, Adam didn't know how to play the piano!?! Isn't God cool?

Here are a some more videos I just added:
Hallelujua I'm Ready - Performance at Faith Family Church - 02/25/09
Daniel Prayed - Performance at Faith Family Church - 02/25/09
Montaña - Performance at Faith Family Church - 02/25/09
Bluegrass Medley - Performance at Faith Family Church - 02/25/09

God bless you and have a GREAT and BLESSED week!

Chris Canote
Missions Mobilizer & Recruiter

YUGO Ministries