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Well, we all made it home safe and sound from two weeks in Tijuana at YUGO's Tijuana Outreach Center (TJOC). With God on our side as Sender, Protector, and Provider, we expected nothing less! Even every single piece of luggage made it there and back unscathed! That might be a miracle! God showed up big, as usual, and there are many stories to share. We are so thankful for the prayers from home.
Family Announcement
The word is out so many of you already are aware....yes, it's true....there is another little Canote on the way (yes, that makes 9). He or she is scheduled to arrive on or around Feb. 17. Yes, it was much as one can plan the miracle and God's gift of life. And yes, we feel very blessed and are all very excited. We found out the day Samantha and Nathan left for the honeymoon. We ushered one out the door and are ready to welcome another one in!
Ministry Report
God had us right back in action as soon as we got home from Mexico. We hit the driveway at about 6PM on Saturday night. The next morning, Chris preached at Fayette FBC and Adam and the boys led worship at Harrisburg Christian Church. Below are some upcoming ministry engagements:
Sat, July 25 - Missions Presentation, Adam & Boys leading worship, Chris preaching
Hammonds Mill summer youth camp - West Plains, MO
Sun, July 26 - Chris preaching
Sturgeon Baptist Church
Tue, July 28 - Music performance
Pepper & Friends TV Show
Sat, Aug. 1 - Music performance
Art Show - Fayette, MO
Sat, Aug. 1 to Sun, Aug. 9 - Mission Trip
Chris only - Preaching & Directing the Outreach
Back to Tijuana, Mexico at YUGO's TJOC
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
The "Canote Notes" is the blog for updates from the Canote Family Ministry. Based in Clark, Missouri, the Canotes have a preaching/evangelism ministry, gospel bluegrass AND contemporary worship music ministry and serve as missionaries directing a mobile Team Ministry Christian Outreach in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico and mid-Missouri through their own non-profit ministry, Evident Ministries, Inc.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Canote E-Notes 07/08/09

Update from Tijuana, Mexico
Buenas Tardes from Tijuana, Mexico. God is still good and faithful and we're thankful to be on His team! We are also so thankful for your faithful prayers. Our ministry work has been an extra blessing knowing our intercessory team is at home working on our behalf. Thank You!
Our Canadian ministry team is a "well-oiled ministry machine" having come well-prepared and equipped to give God their best this week. They spent about 40 hours riding in a bus just to get here. We are so grateful for their sacrifice!
Our boys have gone out with the team this afternoon along with the summer intern staff to visit their ministry site. They will likely get to join in some of the sports ministry activities. Adam and crew have done an excellent job of leading us all in worship in our daily chapel services.
The girls are starting to adjust to their temporary home. Charlotte and Natalie have been somewhat "cranky" but are starting to move past that. They have made fast friends with a couple of other "missionary kids" here at the ranch and have spent most of today playing outside with them.
Susan has had a "bug" of some sort and has not felt well for about 24 hours. She's a bit of a rebel when it comes to drinking plenty of I hope it's not a dehydration problem. She could use some extra prayers. I'll send an update if we don't see some improvement right away.
It's pretty chilly here in the mornings and evenings. We start and end each day in jackets and pants. We do a quick wardrobe change for the afternoon sunshine.
I'll try to send a shorter update next time....
God bless you and have a GREAT day!
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Canote E-Notes 07/02/09
School Supplies Update
On Tue, I forwarded an email from one of our YUGO missionaries regarding a need for school supplies. Just FYI, literally within minutes of passing along that need, we had a commitment to send 270 boxes of colored pencils and another to send 270 spiral notebooks! Woo hoo! God is good! There is still a great need there if you feel God pulling on your heart strings.
Ministry Update
Adam just returned from spending a week as the worship leader for youth from Faith Family Church. They were attending the Rock Quest youth camp at at the Logan Valley Christian Retreat Center near Elling
ton, MO. Adam says he "had a blast" and really enjoyed working on the ministry team with Pastor Jamie Page and the other leaders. Pastor Jamie gave daily reports on his blog at:
Travel Update
It's been a crazy week at the Canote house getting ready for this trip. We'll be leaving tomorrow mid-day for Kansas City. Our flight leaves Saturday morning for San Diego. We'll be stopping for a few supplies which are easier to buy there than carry with us on the plane such as diapers, etc. Then we'll be heading straight into Tijuana.
We'll be spending the following two weeks working at YUGO's Tijuana Outreach Center. I will be preaching Monday through Friday of both weeks. Adam will be leading worship with the boys the first week at the base...and in English. The second week, he will be leading worship in Spanish at a local neighborhood church. We'll be ministering along with the summer interns and other YUGO staff. We'll have enough workers to conduct a children's VBS, sport's ministry and women's ministry. We're very excited about that. Adam says he might need to brush up on his Spanish!
Please keep us in your prayers as we'll be relying on them for strength, good health, effective ministry efforts, etc.
God Bless YOU!
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
On Tue, I forwarded an email from one of our YUGO missionaries regarding a need for school supplies. Just FYI, literally within minutes of passing along that need, we had a commitment to send 270 boxes of colored pencils and another to send 270 spiral notebooks! Woo hoo! God is good! There is still a great need there if you feel God pulling on your heart strings.
Ministry Update
Adam just returned from spending a week as the worship leader for youth from Faith Family Church. They were attending the Rock Quest youth camp at at the Logan Valley Christian Retreat Center near Elling
Travel Update
It's been a crazy week at the Canote house getting ready for this trip. We'll be leaving tomorrow mid-day for Kansas City. Our flight leaves Saturday morning for San Diego. We'll be stopping for a few supplies which are easier to buy there than carry with us on the plane such as diapers, etc. Then we'll be heading straight into Tijuana.
We'll be spending the following two weeks working at YUGO's Tijuana Outreach Center. I will be preaching Monday through Friday of both weeks. Adam will be leading worship with the boys the first week at the base...and in English. The second week, he will be leading worship in Spanish at a local neighborhood church. We'll be ministering along with the summer interns and other YUGO staff. We'll have enough workers to conduct a children's VBS, sport's ministry and women's ministry. We're very excited about that. Adam says he might need to brush up on his Spanish!
Please keep us in your prayers as we'll be relying on them for strength, good health, effective ministry efforts, etc.
God Bless YOU!
Chris Canote
Outreach Director
Missions Mobilizer/Recruiter
YUGO Ministries
573/874-1878 Home
573/808-1195 Cell
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