Happy Thanksgiving!
May the Lord fill your home with His abundant goodness and your LIFE with His ever present joy.
Blessings on your THANKSGIVING!
The blessing of the Lord be upon you.
~ Psalm 129:8
Our baby boy, Adam (now 21) is all grown up! It's a bittersweet thing. We are certainly proud of the man he has become. But, we also miss the little boy strumming that first toy guitar. We never dreamed how far God would take his musical talents.
Adam recently blessed the socks off of everyone in attendance at the Willie Mae Kountz Recital Hall at Central Methodist University. With not a single empty seat left, we were all treated to what amounted to the culmination of 4 years in classical guitar training.
The second picture shows a guitar...that's actually a cake! It was made by our good friend, cake master Mary Avery.
Naturally, his proud papa has loaded the performance onto YouTube so the masses may enjoy. And, here are the links:
Piece #1: Asturias (Leyenda) by Isaac Albeniz (1860-1909)
Piece #2: Sonatine Op. 71 by Mauro Guiliani (1781-1829)
Piece #3: Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Harold Arlen (1905-1986)
Arranged by Adam
Piece #4: Rhylynn by Andy McKee (b. 1979)
Piece #5: For My Father by Andy McKee
Sermon Links
"In The Heavenly Realms"
Ephesians 2:1-7
Delivered at Harrisburg Baptist Church 11/06/11
"Godly Families In an Un-Godly World"
Joshua 24:15
Delivered at Harrisburg Baptist Church 11/13/11
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