Well folks, that's another outstanding and wild adventure for Jesus in the books! Serving alongside others in this ministry God has given us is still incredibly rewarding and something we wouldn't trade for anything! However, it was still good to be home...even with the results of a "polar vortex"....whatever that is. All we know is, it was 55F when we left Acuña and it was -3F when we finally made it back to Casa Canote!
71 of us, including the host team and our evangelism ministry teams spent a week in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico making a ruckus in Jesus name. Our theme was "Telling your story like it's your job!". Part of the fruit of our labor was over 60 salvation decisions! Woo hoo! Praise God for that and for the many untold seeds which were planted for a future harvest.
Our mission in this ministry is not only to spread the Gospel of Jesus while supporting the local church in Acuña. At the same time our goal is to provide a cross-cultural experience while educating and raising awareness of the cause for missions with our evangelism ministry teams.
Over and over again we have seen God's Spirit through this experience have a tremendous impact on the participants. We also know they will return home changed and equipped for making a significant impact in their own communities.
It's also exciting to see how returning teams are building relationships with the folks from their ministry sites. Both of our teams for this trip were working at satellite community help centers in neighborhoods struggling in physical poverty and hungry for hope. So, HOPE is what we brought them...in Jesus name!
Acuña New Years Team Ministry
Let us know when YOU are ready to join us in Mexico! YOU have a standing invitation!
See ya soon!
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